Wednesday, November 20, 2002


DAVY LEFT THE artist’s colony in anger and rage at Pat, who had given him a farewell nerple. When he again reached the village Davy got in touch with the real nerple support group and started his next journey, a journey towards a life free from fear of nerples and hermaphrodite sheep.

Friday, November 15, 2002

CHAPTER THE SIXTEENTH. part the fifth. (part the second-to-last)

PAT WORE A pink tutu once and got caught. He ran away in humiliation, never again to be seen in the village. A pack of wild squirrels found him lying, a sad and broken sheep, in the wilderness, and took him in as one of them. He directs squirrel traffic, as he always knew he was called to do, and keeps in touch with Hortensia.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

CHAPTER THE SIXTEENTH. part the fourth.

ELFY AND HORTENSIA were wed soon after returning to the kingdom. Hortensia, once back in her palace tower and reunited with the gilded hairbrush, realized that she could never be a forest ranger or an adventurer, and she relinquished all her thoughts of ever leaving the kingdom again. Elfy gladly gave up his rugged outdoorsy life for Hortensia’s wealth and riches, and the two retired into hih society and the world of cocktail parties and charity balls. Hortensia did keep in touch with Pat, inviting him now and again to be a guest at a social function.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

CHAPTER THE SIXTEENTH. part the third.

MORPEHUS RETREATED TO the mountains, where he set up a little cottage in the forest and practiced his mysticism in private. All was well until the day he leaned in too far over his subterranean cistern and fell in. And that was the beginning of wishing wells.

Monday, November 11, 2002


JOVIAL BOB RODE off to reclaim all that Joel had left behind. He ruled for exactly three weeks before facing his first conflict: villagers complained of a smooth-talking boll weevil trying to peddle Michael Jackson videos and bootleg DVD’s smuggled in from China. Jovial Bob tracked down the boll weevil, banishing it forever from the kingdom.

Sunday, November 10, 2002

CHAPTER THE SIXTEENTH. The breaking of the fellowship; aka epilogues

Part the First
THE FIRST TO leave were Senior Franklin and Small Child.
During the night they stole away with the red wagon, and began their trek. They made their way back across the darkest forests of the land. For much of the way they simply backtracked the Fellowship’s trail, and Small Child was delighted to have found a juice box that had fallen off the wagon days earlier. Senior Franklin inspected it, dusted it off, and gave it to the delighted Small Child. After days of journeying they returned to El Furioso where they met up again with Narco. They opened a tourist center and gift shop at the base of the ominous mountain, and are prospering financially.